Dottorato di Ricerca in Nuove Tecnologie per la Città, il Territorio e l'Ambiente
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Yonatan Tariku Tesfaye

Dottore di Ricerca NT&ITA

Ciclo XXX

Bio sketch

I got my Bachelor’s degree from Arba Minch Universityin in Computer science. I were an  active  member  of  the Project IP-NGN  (Internet  Protocol - Next  Generation  Network)  in Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation where I had been involved in the development of new and up-to-date network infrastructure projects. During my time at the company I got a chance to work on wide varieties of new technologies and adopted myself to them.

Later on, I joined Ca’Foscari University to pursue my master’s degree in computer science specializing in ”Information Sciences and Intelligent Systems‟  and graduated with honours  (summa cum laude). Among the projects I worked during my studies, the most significant for me was my master thesis which is very exciting and interesting final project entitled “Multi-target Tracking using Dominant sets” under the  supervision of prof.  Marcello  Pelillo. On  this  project I have  worked  on  the area  of  Artificial  Intelligence  / Machine learning/ Pattern recognition/ Computer vision/ Surveillance to solve the problems related to online and offline tracking of multiple-people/object in video surveillance scenarios as Dominant set problem.

Research interests

My research interests are in the areas of pattern recognition, computer vision, machine learning and video Surveillance.

Curriculum Vitae